lute lessons

Miguel Serdoura teaches Renaissance and Baroque lute, vihuela, archiluth and theorbo in a private studio in Paris (Metro Hôtel de Ville / Châtelet). Beginners and advanced students of all ages are accepted.
Miguel Serdoura is an experienced teacher of both practical and academic music. He is also the author of a major treatise on the baroque lute called "Method for the Baroque Lute" (pp. 364), published in Italy by Ut Orpheus in 2008. Miguel Serdoura's 'Method for the Baroque Lute' can provide you with the technical and musical foundations required for a solid and comprehensive approach to playing the baroque lute.
That is indeed the purpose, and challenge, of M. Serdoura lute lessons, to reach out to as many lute-lovers as possible, and give them the opportunity to express themselves via this instrument, however advanced they may be in their musical education. Its students includes not just those who have never played a musical instrument, but also seasoned guitarists desirous of initiation into the mysteries of the lute!

Lute Course in Augsbourg, Germany, at the Exerzitienhaus St. Paulus
Teatchers : Miguel Serdoura and Stewart McCoy
Next Course : October 30th to November 2nd, 2014
We teach renaissance and baroque lutes, teorbo, archilute, vihuela, baroque guitar and ensemble playing for beginners to advanced players of all ages.
For those who are interested, but do not possess an instrument, a small number of loan lutes will be provided.
The course fee for active participants (max. 20) is 12o €
For students and members of the German Lute Society the fee is 100 € Listeners pay 80 €
We get three meals a day + coffee and cake with three nights in a double room for 81.50 € and 108.50 € if your prefer to have a single room! We recommend you to register as soon as possible.
Contact : Harald Gerstmayer
Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.